Milestone Meeting ReCon

Milestone Meeting ReCon

We had the opportunity to present our project progress on the topic „Development of a Resilient Hook-and-Loop Connection System for Adaptive Assembly of Building Components in High-Rise Construction.“ Many thanks to the entire team for the successful collaboration!

The interdisciplinary project team includes Matthias Lang-Raudaschl, Saša Ritonja, DI, Toni Levak, Selina Haingartner, Clemens Berlach, and Ernst Alexander Dengg, as well as Marisol Vidal as organizational lead (Institute of Architecture Technology, TU Graz); Bernhard Freytag and David Danner (Laboratory for Structural Engineering, TU Graz); Ulrich Hirn, Thomas Harter, and Felix Necemer (Institute for Biobased Products and Paper Technology, TU Graz); ), Simon Klima, Peter Treitler and Angelika Weber (axtesys GmbH); Ing. Gernot Theuermann and Christian Zuber (NET-Automation GmbH).


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